I've had to go on a business trip for a full seven days, so my writing has gotten stymied.
Traveling seems to be a mix for me when it comes to creativity. A change of pace or scenery can be helpful to come up with new ideas, but at the same time, many authors recommend having a set schedule and place where you do your writing. Plus I can't think of anything more horrible than needing to travel to break out of writer's block.
When I have managed to write anything in strange hotel rooms, it may seem like I'm doing something worthwhile, but once I get back and read it, there's nothing worth keeping. Maybe this time there will something from my efforts.
Traveling is also a massive time sink. Not only is there all the planning before the trip but the post-trip issues the laundry, the empty fridge, dead plants etc. Now if you're doing it for a vacation, there's a theoretical pay off for your troubles. If you're doing it for work, the pay off is not getting fired. Not really great incentive to travel for me.
Anyway, I'm hoping when I get back, the relief of not needing to travel again (hopefully) any time soon and return to my familiar writing area will help me actually complete the next eBook in the Shadowlust Series.
(I am also freaking throwing away this stupid undersized keyboard I bought because my laptop keyboard died right before the trip, I should have just bought a full sized one, it's amazing how shrinking a keyboard makes it so hard to use, like learning to type all over again)