This eBook was done in collaboration with K.Bell, who will hopefully be doing more of her own stories too! When she gets a blog up, I'll make sure to post the link.
Available free on Smashwords
Also available on Amazon but for $0.99 until their price matching kicks in (But if you want to pay, I won't mind! : ) )
This free book was meant to let people decide if they like the series. I probably should have made the first book of the series the free one, but I'm still trying to figure out how eBook publishing works.
The story introduces two new recurring characters who are connected with Selina and the mysterious House from the first story, but they have much different way of doing things. They're not actually the characters depicted on the cover, maybe I should have done that instead - Ah well, still learning!
The cover art was a 3D image done by ChromaDrake. There are additional (and more adult) images of the cover characters over on his DeviantArt and Tumblr pages.

You can favorite me over on Smashwords if you like the stories!
(Published 12/18/2015)
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