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A Review of More Tales from the House by R.K.B. Kirin

A wonderful and detailed review by Tera over on Succubus.net.  Check out her other reviews if you're looking for other supernatural erot...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I've been reading the PvP webcomic for many years and I've met the creator Scott Kurtz a couple of times at signings and conventions.  I have to say I admire how he has been able to turn his creative ability into a career and he seems like a down-to-earth person. He recently wrote a post that I really enjoyed and something which I should try to take to heart as I endeavor to become a writer.

I need to remember that stories are important.


Here's an example of Scott's artwork from a spin-off, D&D-inspired comic called Table Titans.  If you like table-top RPGs and a fun fantasy story, give it a read.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A funny video that shows some interesting human psychology.  Watch it to the very end :)

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