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A Review of More Tales from the House by R.K.B. Kirin

A wonderful and detailed review by Tera over on Succubus.net.  Check out her other reviews if you're looking for other supernatural erot...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I think I've switched gears to trying to write a longer novel.   I may do it under another pen name, but I expect I'll still want to write erotic horror/erotic comedy with this pen name.  I think time management is the thing that I need to work out.

In the meantime, I've been ignoring time management with web surfing and thought I share a couple of canine-related laughs.

Succubi Image of the Week 444

Succubi Image of the Week 444: Tera reviews a really excellent piece of succubus art.  The artwork is one of my favorites too :)  It really makes one imagine what kind of story led up to the scene.  It might be fun to try to write that, but I'm already just trying to get my own ideas out on the keyboard.

I don't want to forget the artist is Violic Chen.  Great work!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The old saying 'Laughter is good for the soul' is not only wise, but there is medical evidence backing up the notion. Here's a nice 2009 review of some published studies:

Scientific Research Stuff!

I particularly like "if laughter does, in fact, decrease stress hormones, this would be one mechanism that might explain the proposed connection between laughter and immune function, and from there to improved health outcomes."

I guess you need to be a science nerd to find this interesting, so let's get to a laugh.

Lyanna Mormont from the Game of Thrones cable series is rapidly becoming the new Chuck Norris of the Internet. Many memes with her just recycle old Chuck Norris ones, but I really liked this original one:

Hope this gives a chuckle. And the funniest part of her being a meme is that the actress' last name is Ramsay (A joke only GOT fans will get).

I think I'll start re-posting more funny stuff I find to get more active on this blog. Plus it will help keep that stress hormone reduction mechanism going.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July or post-Canada Day or just Happy Monday! 

Here are some fireworks - Everyone loves fireworks (except some dogs and nocturnal flying creatures)